I also reached out to the Practice Portuguese guys. I think they are still too advanced for my ears, but they recommended _portugues.html which appears to be difficult to find in the US, but I think they may be trying to get a deal to sell it through their website.
Have you checked -portuguese-with-rafa.comI am confused about picking the right course. Do you recommend any beside Michel Thomas course that focuses on pronunciation and grammar which i think is most importantthank you in advance
Happy lesson advance legendado em portugues 12
My name is Cristina Vasconcelos. I am also a European Portuguese teacher. I teach from beginner to advanced level. I agree that it is hard to find European Portuguese resources. I am a native Portuguese speaker living in Lisbon and I teach lessons online as well as in Lisbon. I am happy to help anyone interested in learning my language.
Again: children receive their elementary teaching in symbols. "A was anArcher;" what is this but symbolism? The archer becomes to the infant mindthe symbol of the letter A, just as, in after life, the letter becomes, tothe more advanced mind, the symbol of a certain sound of the humanvoice.40 The first lesson received by a child in acquiring his alphabetis thus conveyed by symbolism. Even in the very formation of language, themedium of communication between man and man, and which must hence havebeen an elementary step in the progress of human improvement, it was foundnecessary to have recourse to symbols, for words are only and trulycertain arbitrary symbols by which and through which we give an utteranceto our ideas. The construction of language was, therefore, one of thefirst products of the science of symbolism.
[11] I'm happy I've shown them not only different ways of learning a foreign language, but also a different attitude from other teachers that they (unfortunately!) are used to having at school. In fact, something that made me reflect a lot was the way these students are treated in the context where they live. In some moments I was surprised with the lack of organization and with the students' discipline in the school as a whole, and after observing and reflecting a bit more I got to the conclusion that the social context [material and cultural resources] where they live in should not be especially blamed for how they sometimes behave. The way they behave and treat people reflects how they are treated. It's no use expecting an irreproachable behavior from someone who is often used to being treated badly. It's no use requiring respect from someone who is not respected. I believe these students realize that they are not treated as they should. And the way they treat those around them is just a reflection of this. I could see it in my lesson observation sessions and later in my lessons, and everything was confirmed when, in the final questionnaire, (fortunately!) some students pointed out my "politeness" and "promptness" as positive aspects of my lessons. At least regarding this aspect, I'm sure I made a difference for them on those days that I was with them in class.41 41 Original text: "Fico feliz por ter mostrado a eles não apenas algumas formas diferentes de se aprender uma LE [língua estrangeira], mas também uma postura diferente de outras que eles estão (infelizmente!) acostumados a ver dentro da escola entre os que estão ao redor deles. Algo que, a propósito, me fez refletir muito, é a forma como esses alunos são tratados no contexto em que vivem. Em alguns momentos me surpreendia com a falta de organização e disciplina dos alunos da escola em geral, e após observar e refletir um pouco mais, cheguei à conclusão de que o contexto social [recursos materiais e culturais] em que eles vivem não é, especificamente, o único culpado pela forma como eles se comportam, por vezes. O comportamento e tratamento que eles dão às pessoas é um reflexo da forma como eles são tratados. Não adianta esperar um comportamento exemplar de alguém tão acostumado a ser tratado com grosserias. Não adianta exigir respeito de quem não é respeitado. [...] Creio que esses alunos percebem que não são tratados como deveriam. E a forma como tratam os que os cercam é só um reflexo disso. Pude perceber isso durante minhas observações, mais tarde em minhas regências, e tudo me foi confirmado quando, no questionário final, (felizmente!) alguns alunos destacaram minha "educação" e "prestatividade" como pontos positivos durante as aulas. Pelo menos nesse ponto, tenho certeza absoluta de que fiz alguma diferença para eles durante os dias em que estivesse com eles em sala de aula". [Sara] 2ff7e9595c