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Mi-8MTV2: Oilfield Campaign - A Unique and Challenging Non-Combat Helicopter Campaign

The challenge in this campaign is not any kind of AI opponent but rather the Mi-8MTV2 itself and the environment you need to fly it in. It is a test of your cargo sling-loading and navigational skills, especially using the DISS-15 Doppler navigation system.

It may seem tempting to use the NS 430 GPS to not fly quite as blind, but no dice. The campaign does not support it (not that they are incompatible but rather that the NS 430 is not available in the cockpit) and without coordinates to fly to, it would not be much help either way.

Mi-8MTV2: Oilfield Campaign

Rather than combat, this campaign will test your knowledge of the Mi-8MTV2 navigation suite in order to locate oil derricks scattered over the forests. Challenge yourself as a cargo pilot and never have to worry about being shot at again!

And the battle rages on! This time you are an officer of the UAE Air Force, with Bedouin ancestry; a pilot of the Special Operations Squadron - Captain Khalid Al-Mansouri. You will take part in a series of interesting campaigns; MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction. Detailed and high-quality work from Stone Sky will once again surprise you.

Raven One: Dominant Fury campaign for the F/A-18C Hornet is a prequel for the highly acclaimed Raven One campaign, based on the bestselling novel of the same title. Developed by Baltic Dragon, all the missions were constructed with the active participation of author of the book, Kevin Miller, and Vincent "Jell-O" Aiello, host of the Fighter Pilot Podcast - both retired U.S. Navy Hornet pilots, each with over 3,000 career flight hours and numerous overseas deployments.

The campaign takes place 3 years before the events described in the novel during a deployment to the Eastern Mediterranean and offers a variety of different missions, from training (faithfully recreating real life sorties flown from the deck of the aircraft carriers), through armed patrols and alert launches, to power-projection striked

Regarding the lights; I believe they're supposed to be fairly dim during daylight conditions. They look amazing during the night imo!I don't know which campaigns are the best, but I'm currently considering to buy the Crew campaign. It looks wonderfull from what I've gathered.

After I bought mi 8 modul and learned to fly this machine and finally ready to play I am totally disappointed with Spring Tension campaign,first mission documents I can t finish because mission is not working properly? After i spend time to learn to fly this complicated module now I can t play I cant move further from first mission in campaign,this is unbelivable?

The Spring Tension campaign is the orginal campaign included with the module and is rather old. It is well possible that there is a bug in the first mission. Could you elaborate on what exactly is not working properly? I can recommend a Third Party campaign like Oilfield if you are not into combat or the latest The Crew campaign if you want a taste of a proper campaign. In my opinion, particulary the older campaigns, feel more like missions packs rather then campaigns, if you look at what is available today.

Campaigns are quite problematic in dcs. So I gave up buying campaigns. Please note that dcs generally don't provide campaigns with modules recently. So I suggest that evaluate plane and campaign separately before label it as disappointing.

I can understand the grief you are having with the campaign. It takes some effort to learn a module, so it is nothing for people of the "quick win" mentality. However as some others already said: you should not judge the MODULE by a CAMPAIGN/MISSION. The Mi8 is actually quite a lovely module, lots of detail, good flight model, you can feel the passion that went into creating it, it has character. There is an entire cosmos of activities you can have with this module besides flying a single player campaign. I for example love the PvE multiplayer server like Hoggit, you can join a squadron, there are some for combat actions, some simulate logistics, some specifically for helicopters, try some free, user created missions from the download section... . The time you put into learning this module was not in vain, you will be able to use and refine your skills. :pilotfly:

Yes you are right about module but yesterday I was complaining about faulty campaign today I bought another campaign called Border and guess what, this is also faulty and again first mission,I think that DCS should label his products with working and not working sign for us customers because we spend money for nothing,unbelivable???

I figured documents and finished mission but this mission from Border campaign called Flight problem is when I meet Mi 24 flight they are not responding on my radio calls and they are circling on this location forever maybe I m doing something wrong with my radio,I set frequency on my R863 radio for them but they are not responding.I must try couple times more,thanks for help in either way.

The Border campaign does warn you in DCS that you should read the documentation for the HIP regarding radio communications as the knowledge needed to know how to work the different radios will be extremely important in completing each mission. You need to be able to use the radios to talk with Airfields, FARPs, Escort pilots, Ground Crew, Special Forces crews. You will also want to know how to work the ADF as well as the ARC-UD navigation systems.

I started the border campaign yesterday and so far completed the first 3 missions without any problems. As long as you can finish with a result of 100, you have completed the mission. I hope this helps. 2ff7e9595c

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